Audience reflection by Frederik Lassen January 23, 2020 Mystical Touch was a revelation at the Overkill Festival. From the network event prior to the festival, I heard about concept of 'Tech shamanism' inspired by the novels from Carlos Castenada and others. Mystical Touch followed that line and indeed used immersive tech, performance to enhance my own spirituality. From the onset of the experience the mystical part was present. I waited outside a hidden room with a black curtain. The only glimpse I got of the experience beforehand was the lucky audience coming out of the room, blindfolded, and trying to grasp and return to the setting in the museum (event venue) When it was my turn, I was kindly warned the volunteer that sprinkles of water might occur. I said I was fine with that and smiled. Then I was blindfolded and escorted behind the curtain and down metal stairs with ambient sounds increasing in volume. I was placed somewhere. A male voice started whispering in my ear, to be calm and relax and enjoy that was waiting for me. That I was now part of a ritual to find calmness, and kind mystical touches would send flows of energy through my straight, stand-up body. The voice and the flow was gently and calm. Being deprived from my sight immediately activated my other senses. It really stood out after the first heavy breathings when I was sprinkled with water. I remember I was being warned beforehand, but even I weren't then absolutely okay. It felt childish like dust-rain, activating childhood playing memories, and at the same time ceremonial. And I felt safe and relaxed. I was physically touched on my arms, shoulders and it felt comfortable. Then I was instructed to keep my eyes close, my blindfold would be removed and replaced by googles. This is usually the part where the illusion breaks in this XR-performances (at least for me), but since the voice remained guiding, soft and gently it was easy to accept the transition. A heavy vest was also applied on me. Entering the immersive world with a clear horizon line and sparkly colors, sharp rocks and a the silhouette of what first look like a wizard with a tall, triangle hat. The particles and movements quickly made realize that this was the person who I had encountered before. The wizard came closer and we would mimic each others movements. When he/she/it touched me my vest would vibrate, again giving a sensation of mystical touch. It was a fun gimmick and playful. I think the "real" hand on my chest and my own inner vibrations had a bigger impact on me. The environment seemed static and I remember I was looking for objects, creatures, development, but the only thing catching my glance and attention was 'the wizard' I remember there was a GOING being hit and used. Maybe it came in the beginning and the end to symbolize a start and finish, maybe I'm mixing that with other previously spiritual ceremonies. When the experience was over, my googles were removed, again I was instructed to keep my eyes shut and the blindfold was placed to cover my eyes again. I was followed to the stairs and had to walk up by myself. I bit nerve wrecking, but I liked it. When I was on the other side of the black curtain, I wouldn't open my eyes. That was such a funny reaction. I knew what was waiting for my to see in the museum, and I didn't want to leave the world I had been part of. I stood there for maybe twenty seconds and then I did open my eyes, and I smiled. One of the best spiritual VR-experiences I have had.