Category Archives: Physicality

the state or quality of being physical

Masque Society exhibition

I’m exhibiting together with 80 recently graduated designers and 19 craftspeople from The Danish Design School. I exhibit my master project Masque Society. Masque Society is a personal development reality game targeting citizens. The main focus of Masque Society is to play in the city with masks. The Danish Design SchoolThe exhibition, Meldahls Smedie, HolmenDanneskiold-Samsøes Allé 511435 Cph. K. Open 6-21 August, every weekday 11:00-20:00, weekends 12:00-18:00.Free admission.

Ex Nihilo at Enghave Plads

Photos by Jakob la Cour, ‘Trajets de vie, trajets de ville’ by Ex Nihilo is extremely playful and simple in the structure. I took some photos while they where in Copenhagen for Metropolis festival 2009.