Category Archives: Personal

The power of Imagination

Imagination is a powerful human ability that is worth dedicating time to develop on a regular basis. Here are some exercises for artistic and personal development. Infinite Inner Space – Imagine and infinite and eternal space within. Sun Bathing – Imagine that your hole body it being warmed by the sun. The World Above – Imagine a channel to access a world above the ground that you enter and explore. The Underworld – Imagine a pathway to an underworld that you enter and explore. Dream Self – Imagine your ideal dream territory, house, interior, cloth, partner and new body. Shielding […]

Improvised phonetics

As part of my bodily focus and improvisation practice I train fluid vocalizing of speech-like syllables with no readily comprehended meaning. I have uploaded it to YouTube and play around with the auto translate. The algorithm understood it as Italian.

Release playful energy

I believe we are born to be curious and release playful energy into the universe by moving our bodies, exploring boundaries and exchanging with other people. But as we grow older we tend to get socialized into fixed consensus realities where we forget to be playful and end up passive and isolated. I want to change that. Photo from my workshop ‘Movement in education through playfulness’

Reality game definition ver. 0.1

I’ve struggled so much to explain and understand what I find important in the intersection between physical game, performing art, interactive technology and public play. I guess it will always be dynamic and in process. Nevertheless I am using the word reality game to name the intersection. It has to do with the ability to construct reality both inside my self and for others. Sometimes I call it immersion art for the gamer generation. I want the engagement of games and the full immersion of a reality. The frame of a reality game is a micro world that can be […]