Luna Seconda

JAKOB LA COUR STUDIO has done digital concept, immersive design and streaming for Luna Seconda by Sydhavn Teater.

‘Luna Seconda’ is a cinematic theater play where the audience gets wireless radiofrequency earphones and enters an immersive setting to be engulfed into a cinematic performing arts piece that revolves around them and on a bobbinet. Simultaneous online audiences sit with earphones and watch the same on the theatre’s digital stage.

Sabina can see the moons from her sickbed in the dilapidated chicken coop of glass out in the flooded bird sanctuary on the edge of the world. They are big. They are two. So are they, Anker and Sabina. He picked her up in a ditch and now they are here. Together. Isolated.

‘Luna Seconda’ is Ursula Scavenius’ tale of two people dancing on the edge of the world. And about a world dancing on the edge of what we know. She writes about a post-pandemic time, where we lose orientation in our own minds and external surroundings, while the waters slowly rise.

Cinematic theatre play
70 minutes

March 2021

© Photo by Søren Meisner

Author: Ursula Scavenius
Actors: Iza Mortag Freund, Siff Vintersol, Maria Carmen Lindegaard
Photographer & Performer: Malik Grosos
Director: Mille Maria Dalsgaard
Immersion Designer and Streaming: Jakob la Cour
Performer & Stage manager: Jacob Weitze Mylund
Scenography: Carl Johan Sennels
Scenography & Costume: Cæcilie Tørnsø
Composer & Sound design: Brian Larsen
Forhus og bagscene: Nicole Johansen
Press: Karen Toftegaard APS
Producent: Marie Egetoft