Jakob la Cour (b. 1982, Copenhagen, Denmark) award-winning independent performing artist and immersion designer at JAKOB LA COUR STUDIO (est. 2005) based in Copenhagen. With a Master’s Degree in Game and Interaction Design (2011) from The Royal Danish Academy of Art in Design.

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Artist Statement
Mystical forces and energetic transformation are the territories of my art.
My artistic work revolves around the influence of technological development on modern society’s spiritual and metaphysical life.
Technology is moving from being an aid to becoming more self-governing and interconnected. Here an interesting field arises between the bodily, the mechanical, and the spiritual, where new esoteric data-reality layers arise.
Besides direct experience, my work draws on a lineage of cultural and artistic creation that has explored the mystical. From the ancient shamanic and ritualized practices such as mask work to modern developments that can only be realized through new technologies.
My intention is to create performing arts works that illuminate this field by using new extended reality media.

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Psst… if you want to get a deeper understanding of Jakob then check out his book list and movie list.
Another way to understand is to dive into the visual inspiration of Jakob or his method.
There is also a locked private selection of oneiric states (in Danish).
Lastly feel free to read the ‘What I’m doing Now’ document.